Answering the Tough Ones:

Common Questions About Christianity

By Dr. David A. DeWitt


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Is Jesus Christ the only way to God?

Are miracles possible?

Can anyone be sure he is going to heaven?

Is the Bible reliable?

What about the ones who have never heard?

Can good deeds get us to heaven?

These are some of the toughest questions asked by people exploring Christianity. What answers can you give? What answers are available?

Dr. David A. DeWitt presents realistic discussions of twelve questions commonly asked about Christianity. He relates some of his own experiences in answering people who have asked these questions. Then he proceeds to elaborate on each question in an informal but thorough manner.

Here's real help for answering the tough ones.

This booklet was compiled by DR. DAVID DeWITT--a graduate of Michigan State University (B.S.) and Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., D.Min.).



This book has been intentionally not copyrighted. Please feel free to use any portion of it for any purpose at any time.

Answering the Tough Ones was originally published by Moody Press of Chicago in 1980. It was reprinted 12 times over a period of 11 years (until 1991). Moody Press has granted in writing permission for Relational Concepts, to republish this book.

All Scripture quotations, except those noted otherwise, are from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, and 1977 by the Lockman Foundations, and are used by permission.



Table of Contents

NOTE: As you are reading, keep in mind that every verse reference is linked with an online version of the Bible. Just click on the reference to see for yourself what the passage really says.





Chapter 1: Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to God?

Is it enough to be sincere?

What is the difference between Christianity and the other religions?

Aren't Christians too narrow-minded?

Is it unreasonable to say, "That's OK for you but not me"?

Could Jesus be one of many ways to God?

Chapter 2: Are Miracles Possible?

Do miracles produce faith?

Why do we not find miracles in science and history?

Should we expect to see miracles today?

Is life full of miracles?

How did supernatural miracles happen?

Chapter 3: Can Anyone Be Sure He's Going to Heaven?

Do you stop having eternal life when you stop believing?

What about those sins we have committed after receiving Christ?

Can we be assured of always having a relationship with God?

Are we able to maintain our relationship with God?

Chapter 4: Is the Bible Reliable?

What does archaeology say about the Bible?

Has the Bible lost its reliability through re-translations?

Why is the Bible consistent?

How accurate are the Bible's predictions about the future?

What does the Bible claim about itself?

Were the right books included in the Bible?

Who has the right interpretation of the Bible?

Chapter 5: Isn't Just Believing Too Simple?

Isn't it too easy for people to get to heaven by simply receiving Christ?

Why should very bad people go to heaven as easily as good people?

Chapter 6: What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

How can we say God is fair if He sends to hell people who have never heard of Him?

What about people who have been completely isolated from Christianity? How can they respond to Christ?

How could someone in an isolated area know about Jesus Christ, even if He wanted to?

Couldn't people be worshipping Jesus but calling Him by a different name?

Couldn't those who have never heard of Jesus be let into heaven some other way?

What about babies and insane people who can't believe in Jesus?

What about people who lived before Christ?

Chapter 7: Isn't Christianity Only a Psychological Crutch?

What if I don't need religion?

Isn't religion just a crutch for people who want to believe something?

Chapter 8: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Why is the world full of suffering?

Why doesn't God wipe out all suffering right now?

Why doesn't God make people unable to cause suffering?

Why does God make us suffer things like disease and natural disasters?

Why did God make the results of Adam's choice so bad?

Why are we suffering because of Adam's sin?

Why did God make us, anyway?

Why doesn't God just make everybody perfect and the universe a place without suffering?

Why doesn't God Let us choose to get out of this suffering now?

Chapter 9: Can Good Deeds Get Us to Heaven?

How good does God want me to be?

How do I get to be good?

Why not become a Christian and live as bad as you can?

Chapter 10: How About the Hypocrites?

Why are there so many hypocrites in Christianity?

If Jesus had the true religion, why doesn't He keep His followers from turning into hypocrites?

If Jesus really changes people, why aren't all Christians morally better than all non-Christians?

If some Christians are hypocrites, doesn't that suggest that Christianity has some mistakes in it?

How can I become a Christina if I hate its hypocrisy?

Chapter 11: What Does It Mean to Believe?

How would you describe your relationship with God?

Has that relationship ever come to the place where you know for sure you would go to heaven if you died?

Did you know the Bible says you can know for sure?

Do you know what it means to believe?

Would you pray with me to receive Jesus Christ as your savior right now?

Chapter 12: How Do We Know That God Exists?

What do you mean by "Proof"?

What determines Proof?

How do we know God causes it all?

Is it possible to know God does not exist?

Chapter 13: Borrowed Wisdom




Large meetings and standardized materials are today's most-often-used means of winning people to Christ. The first sometimes falsely relieve the believer of his personal responsibility for witnessing; the second often fail when the unbeliever raises questions not covered by the packaged approach.

Answering the Tough Ones is unique. David A. DeWitt provides answers to twelve basic questions often asked by unbelievers. These answers are developed from the viewpoint of the unbeliever's doubts, rather than being hints to help the believer "win the argument." The author helps us get inside the mind of the unbeliever so that we can see what he is thinking and therefore be able honestly and openly to help him.

Dr. DeWitt is fully qualified to write this book. The material has grown out of his own ministry in "friendship evangelism" as a Regional Director of Search Ministries, which seeks to reach unbelievers in nonthreatening, home situations. His theological training (Th.M., D.Min., Dallas Theological Seminary) and his continual involvement in evangelism and discipleship as Director of Relational Concepts, Inc., make the book biblically accurate and eminently practical.

I hope many of Dr. DeWitt's readers will use his book to help their unsaved friends.

Charles C. Ryrie




I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Ellen, who has faithfully supported me for 25 years of marriage and has worked diligently typing every word of this book and all other Relational Concepts material, and my daughters Becky, Debbie, and Sarah, who have brought tremendous delight to my life.

Special thanks to Mr. Steve Cull, who designed the cover of this book and to Mr. J. C. Huizenga, who took charge of its production.

I am indebted to many men who contributed to my life and inspired this and the other Relational Concepts material. A few of these include my father (David DeWitt), Rev. E. Eugene Williams, Dr. Howard Hendricks, Dr. Charles Ryrie, and Walter Henrichsen.

David A. DeWitt






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Moody Press, a ministry of the Moody Bible Institute, is designed for education, evangelization, and edification. If we may assist you in knowing more about Christ and the Christian life, please write us without obligation: Moody Press, c/o MLM, Chicago, Illinois 60610.

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